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Group of White Flowers

Bath Salt

Himalayan salt is a natural salt aid for a fit and healthy body. This Pink Salt offers numerous incredible benefits from decorating home to bathing. It is acclaimed for its minerals that improve health, its therapeutic properties and its entirely natural harvesting process. Adding a little pink salt to the bath can ease muscle cramps, help relieve stiffness in joints, aid with arthritis or back pain, soothe achy, stimulate circulation and overworked legs & feet.

Salt bath is a terrific way to revitalize your body by soothing skin.



  •          Shower first.

  •          Fill tub with about 3 inches of hot water

  •          Add Himalayan Pink Salt  and stir until dissolved

  •          Finish filling tub with very warm (about 98.6° Fahrenheit).

  •          Submerge as much of the body as possible and soak for at least 20-30 minutes.

  •          Don’t rinse off.  Do not use any bath additives, soaps, or oils.

  •          Allow skin to air-dry or gently pat dry

  •          Skip the moisturizer – let the skin breathe

  •          Rinse tub

  •          Rest for 30 minutes

Himalayan Salt Baths can be a little taxing on the circulatory system and may cause slight dizziness afterwards. Detoxification improves general health, boost circulation and help the body's immune system so that a person is less likely to get sick and will feel and look better generally.

The magnesium and other trace of minerals found in Himalayan Salt absorb through the skin to help heal damaged muscle and other soft tissues.  A warm bath infused with Himalayan pink salt is also great for relaxing cramped muscles.

The person having weak or poor heart circulation, always consult doctor first.

Besides while bathing in salt water you can receive added benefits to your respiratory system through salt inhalation as the atmosphere is charged with the ionized minerals.


The results vary from one person to another, which means the best way to explore the benefits of Himalayan salt is to try it out yourself.

Salt Bath tub
Himalayan pink salt granuals pack
Bath salt
Salt Block
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