Himalayan Rock Salt
A wonder salt originated since 250 million years ago when Earth was an untouched ecosystem. It offers both healthy lifestyle and also decor living and working space. Himalayan salt is a pure mineral that is mined and sold directly from the source, with no added chemical agent or treatment.It looks in reddish or pink color to transparent color and contains 84 trace of natural essential elements which includes sodium, chloride, magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron, etc… This is widely being used in cooking, making decorative artifacts as well as healing and therapeutic needs. Himalayan salt possess the ability of hygroscopic - that absorbs water vapors and microbes from the surrounding air. It is known to be great ionizers which releases negative ions to purify air and promote good health.
Salt lamps are made by hollowing out the core of a natural chunk of Himalayan rock salt and inserting a light bulb into it. There’s no extra processing involved like other lamps. They really are a great piece of home décor and are also claimed to interact with the environment in many ways and provide multiple health benefits. Come in all kinds of shapes and patterns, but the most popular by far, is still the traditional natural finish. The soft and relaxing glow that a salt lamp emits can instantly turn any living area into a perfect place to relax.
Being health beneficial as well as having awe-inspiring look these Lamps can become a great part of home and workplace. This magical Lamp releases negative ions into air to neutralize the harmful positive ions. The negative ions released from the lamp will clear the air of electrosmog, oxygenate the brain, reduce symptoms of mood / sleep disorders and improve the immune system. Being a handcrafted product, each one will have its own unique shape and finish
Salt cave for therapy is used to relieve symptoms of various respiratory diseases. Dry natural salt crystal particles when inhaled deep into the lungs gives relief from congestion and irritation. There occurs an increase in oxygen intake which helps to breathe effortlessly.Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties reduces the swelling and get relief from congestion, inflammation, allergies etc... The neutralizing force gives a de-stressing and relaxing effect. With regular therapy, will experience great comfort and well-being.Himalayan salt bricks are being used to construct salt rooms.Visitors merely sit back in one of the treatment rooms, where the healing micro-climate of a natural Salt Cave is reproduced.
Naturally rich in 80+ nourishing and skin-replenishing minerals, bathing Himalayan Pink Salt is a healing and therapeutic experience for mind & body.
In contrast to a normal bath, in which moisture is extracted from the skin, a pink salt bath allows salt to be stored in the upper callused layer of the skin and binds water. This maintains the natural, protective film of the skin and the skin does not dry out. This is the reason why salt baths are good for dry skin as well. The toxins are released into the bath water through osmosis, while the minerals from the salts are absorbed through skin. This process reduces the acid level and maintains the pH factor of the skin.
Besides while bathing in salt water you can receive added benefits to your respiratory system through salt inhalation as the atmosphere is charged with the ionized minerals. The replenishing nutrient contain in the pink salt stimulate blood circulation and sooth sore muscles.
Himalayan salt inhaler is a one-of-a-kind device that can be used to treat many respiratory diseases. This inhalers have been used for many years to heal sore throats, respiratory conditions, allergies, asthma, bronchitis, sinus infections and more.
Salt Inhaler consists of a chamber at the bottom filled with salt crystals connected to the top with a tube and an opening at the bottom to enter the air while inhaling. When breathe in through the tube, air is sucked in through the bottom and pulled up through the salt. Salt infused air with very tiny microscopic salt particles are carried all the way deep into the lungs down to the bronchi and bronchioles. That’s where they take effect and heal different respiratory ailments.
Salt helps clear the mucus that contains harmful bacteria by dehydrating the bacterial cells until they die and is a simple way to reduce symptoms and limit pathogens and to help ease breathing problems.
Negative ions released by Rock Salt will increase the level of serotonin in the body, thereby boosting the mood and easing stress. Better moods and better breathing make it easier to get sound sleep at night which plays an important role in boosting one's immune system.
It’s compact so can carry it anywhere. It’s convenient to use and just as effective as going to a salt cave.
Himalayan rock salt is the most ideal salt for cooking than sea salt used commonly. It is a holistic one complete with all-natural elements to keep body function properly. Absolutely uncontaminated with any toxins or pollutants and is the purest salt available on earth. It offers all the natural elements exactly identical to the elements in human body. Due to the presence of higher mineral content and lower sodium chloride, these salts are used as a substitute for sea salt.
Lowering blood pressure and removing toxins from the body are just a few out of the many benefits of Himalayan pink salt.
To get relief from painful or tired leg, soak the legs in warm water saturated with salt. This will help the skin to retain moisture and get relief from pain and tiredness.
To remove the dead skin cells, scrub the mix of salt granules with olive oil on the wet skin. Thus make the skin become smooth and healthy.
Precautions - Some individuals might be allergic to Himalayan salt. Stop using Himalayan rock salt if develop allergic reactions like swelling, rashes, etc.